I finally finished the Long O unit....it turned into a Mini Unit because I am just DRAINED! But, alas, here it is! It includes an original poem by ME, sorting mats for o, ow, oa, and o_e words, a word list, "Slam" game, and "I have Who has?" game. Check it out!! Only $3.50!
Our Spring break was the week of Easter and I took surprised my son with a trip to Disney World! I kept it a secret until we arrived at the Disney World Welcoming Arch!!!
{not an easy task while riding in a car for 13 hours with a 7 year old...imagine: Where are we going? Are we there yet? Where ARE we? for 13 hours!!}
He had been BEGGING me to take him but we just couldn't afford it. God just worked some things out and we were able to make last minute reservations and head down to Orlando!
{by last minute I mean I called on Friday and we left the next week! SO thankful they had a room for us!!}
We had a BLAST! I cried, he cried, we laughed, we had so much fun!!! It was truly a blessing that we were able to go!
And now the countdown is ON!!! 28 more days! That's right...28!!!! and 2 of those are field trips, 3 of those I am out for DIBELS testing, 3 are half days, 1 is the Spring Concert day, 1 is Field Day, and the rest will be C-RA-ZEEEE!!!
Have a great week!!